Many are unaware that families will always be involved before organ donation goes ahead. Research has shown that fewer than half (47%) of families agree to donation going ahead if they are unaware of their loved one’s decision to be a donor. When the conversation has been had, and the decision is known, 9/10 people agree to organs being donated - if it was what their loved one wanted.
In this campaign, we told the true story of a son who didn't know his father's organ donation wishes - no-one should be faced with making that decision on top of dealing with the grief of losing someone you love. Just sharing your organ donation decision could help save up to 8 lives. Talk to your loved ones today #leavethemcertain
In the two months that followed after this campaign went live, according to ad trackermetrics there was a 52% uplift in people talking about organ donation and sharing their decision with their families.
Executive Creative Director: Dan Watts
Creative Team: Amy Fasey & Jacob Hellstrom
Agency Producer: Olivia Riddle
Agency Designer: Mark Harrison
Production Company: Smuggler
Director: Fenn O’Meally
Editor: Vid Price
Post-production: Electric Theatre Company
Colourist: Jason Wallis
Sound: Wave Studios
Music composer: Alexander Reumers
Researcher: Rose Waite